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Cholesterol Level Test
Cholesterol is absolutely vital to the correct function of the body but must be kept at the correct levels at all times.
Cholesterol is made mostly by the liver but is also found in some foods. Having a high cholesterol level means the individual is at future risk of serious health problems. As there are no initial symptoms of high cholesterol it is important to be checked regularly to make sure.
Cholestoerol is carried in the blood by proteins and can be categorised as 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol.
The amount of cholesterol in the blood can be ascertained with a blood test.
A small sample is taken by the team and sent to the laboratory for testing. This should take around two days and the results will then be discussed with you in detail with any follow up treatment being explained.
High cholesterol is often thought to be one of main reasons for coronary heart disease as the build up of cholesterol on the artery wall means restriction of the flow of blood to your heart, brain and the rest of your body. It also increases the chance of a blood cot developing elsewhere.
There are a number of factors which cause high cholesterol including:
- an unhealthy diet high in saturated fat
- diabetes or high blood pressure
- family history of strokes or heart disease
- smoking can narrow the arteries.
Addressing these issues if possible would greatly reduce the chance of heart disease or a stroke and coupled with regular exercise will give an overall healthier outlook.